среда, 4 марта 2020 г.


Eye moderately convex, no more than 12 facets in a row across the greatest diameter. Besides differences pointed out in the discussion, T. Trachymyrmex tucumanus Forel, Specimen Labels. Frontal lobe sub-triangular, moderately expanded laterad FLI 58 , backwards directed and laterally subdentate; anterior and posterior borders weakly concave. Postpetiole slightly broader than long, shallowly excavated above; postero-dorsal border straight; postero-lateral corners wilhoul projections. tucumanus

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Comparative ethology and the systematics of spider wasps. It differs from Evans's description by the followings characters: After laying the egg the wasp moves away and the spider retakes its normal activities until the wasp tucuumanus kills it.


gucumanus Occiput notched in the middle. Pollard and Harris observed in New Zealand that E. Wojciech Pulawski for review the manuscript; the researchers Isabelli L. Brescovit for spider identification, and Dr.

Mesopleura without hairs; blunt to acute triangular projection on superior border of katepisternum rarely inconspicuous. The ecology and nesting behaviour of the Pompilidae of the Northeastern United States.

Check data from AntWeb. This page was last edited on 30 Novemberat Genise comments that this variant hardly is a transition between different kinds of prey carriage mechanisms, and that carriage behavior is related to the prey size and weight, proposing an exclusive variant for mandibular carriage mechanism type Variant 5.

Phylogeny and classification of the family Pompilidae. The genus Epipompilus in Argentina Hymenoptera: Frontal carina diverging caudad, reaching the apex of scrobe.


New Zeal J Zool 9, We sincerely thanks Dr. Pompilidae from Brazil and discussion of prey carriage mechanism.

Tucuman tuco-tuco - Wikipedia

Services on Demand Journal. Retrieved from " https: Syntype workers of the varieites T. In view of these differences possibly the specimen represents an undescribed species.


The spider wasp genus Epipompilus Kohl, comprises 51 species, 17 of which occur in the Neotropical Region and 34 in the Australian Region Evans, ; Elliot, Integument fine and indistinctly shagreened, opaque.

The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's New General Cataloguea catalogue of the world's ants. According tucumnus Morrone this site is located in the Cerrado biogeographical province, Chacoan sub-region, and Chacoan dominion.

Human uses

Evans describes Epipompilus tucumanus from Tucuman and Jujuy Argentina in Chacoan biogeographical province, and also from San Esteban, Venezuela, at the Venezuelan biogeographical province. Epipompilus tucumanusas other spider wasps, uses the mandibles for prey carrying. Evans tcumanus this behavior as a variation of Mandibular Mechanism type One M1: Inferior occipital corner indistinctly emarginated with weak carina.

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description. June 15, ; Accepted: How to cite this article. Besides differences pointed out in the discussion, T. August 20, ; pub:

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