пятница, 28 февраля 2020 г.


Change Effect 1 This class has been removed. Type of field nonRpcMethods has been changed from java. Type of field parameters has been changed from java. By default UseSeparateListener is set to false, indicating that the soap request and response are sent over the same channel. If you set it to true then the request and response are over separate channels, hence better since the original channel is not left open, especialy if the web service has to process a lot of data and will take along time to respond. axis2 1.5.6 jar

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Do not activate jet boots indoors or you will see a tiny ad:. Field defaultConfigurationContext of type org. Recompilation of a client class may be terminated with the message: Change Effect 1 Added super-class AbstractDeployer. Hi All, I'm trying to get a client to work acis2 with a webservice. Type of field schemaMap has been changed from java.

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axis2 1.5.6 jar

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Source compatibility report for Axis2: I'm not sure about the following: Type of field parameters has been changed from java. Type of field nonRpcMethods iar been changed from java. ConfigurationContext has been removed from this class. I have got no idea how to get this working.

Change Effect 1 Field parameters became non-final. Do not activate jet boots indoors or you will see a tiny ad: Type of field excludeMethods has been changed from java. String has been removed from this interface.

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